Retreat for Writers in the Heart Of The Karoo

The retreat will take you on a personal journey into how to discipline the process of crafting your story, developing your idea, characters and plotting to create a story the world needs to experience.

Final morning walk pitstop on the wandelpad with Jordyn Lee Bird , who’s did a 3-day writer’s retreat in December 2023.

Escape to the tranquil serenity of the Karoo, where you can share some me time with your characters and find yourself in the process

“If you want to learn to write, struggle to write, or just want to sharpen your talent, I highly recommend this workshop. It’s a soul-enriching experience. ” Belinda Martins, Cape Town
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“Die passie waarmee Daniel sy ervaring deel is aansteeklik en die struktuur en voorbeelde wat hy vir mens gee waarvolgens mens jou storie of draaiboek kan skryf is maklik verstaanbaar en prakties uitvoerbaar. Ek kan die ervaring hoog aanbeveel.” Louis Botha
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“Daniel’s workshop has given me exactly what I needed – the tools and the process to finally start writing books. The content of his workshop is rich, practical and interesting.” Tamsin Collins, Prince Albert
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“I learnt to see the structure of a story and how characters, theme and plot all interact to shape a memorable tale or movie.  I am inspired to put pen to paper. Some of us are fortunate enough to be shown the way and start the journey.” Petro Lotz, Prince Albert